The Anti-Cult Forum- “Libero Credo tells the truth”
Finally admitting it’s all true
The documents show that the Anti-Cult Forum and their friends are engaging in unlawful activities, behaving dishonestly and spreading false information to create alarm and to injure the rights enshrined in the Constitution. It’s enough to read them without even taking into account our comments to understand it. The Forum now admits the authenticity of the documents. Failure to prosecute them, would be an omission of duty.
Maurizio Alessandrini of the FAVIS admits that what published by Libero Credo is true!
Last October 5, during the conference organized in Marseille by GEMPPI (1) and FECRIS (2), Alessandrini literally stated:
“Libero Credo keeps on publishing stolen electronic mail, unlawfully taken from the accounts of the Italian associations”.
Let’s pass over the accusation of having stolen electronic mail – ungrounded, not demonstrated and irrelevant. What’s instead important is that his statement confirms the truthfulness of what we have been publishing in recent months.
This means that the documents published are not false, they were actually produced and exchanged “by the Italian associations” (forming the Anti-Cult Forum).
This is a very serious statement. A baffling confession that bolsters all the hypotheses raised in our articles.
An admission which involves all the key players behind many of the events we have described, including various politicians, executives and officers of the Ministry of Interior’s Anti-Cult Squad (S.A.S.), their privileged spokespersons, such as don Aldo Bonaiuto, the anti-cult associations of which the main representative is Alessandrini, the European Federation of the anti-cult organizations, FECRIS, several journalists and also some magistrates.
In the awkward attempt of belittling the value of the documents published by Libero Credo, Alessandrini stated that:
“The documentation unlawfully obtained was deceitfully used out of context and utilized, as one can imagine, in a totally distorted, misleading and instrumental way, so that our detractors could use it – as it happened and it is happening – to increase the slanderous attack which continues to this day”.
However, Alessandrini’s clumsy attempt of trying to defend an untenable opinion, is inexorably disproved by those same documents one can find in the previous articles exactly contextualized, integrally published without any alteration whatsoever, exactly how the Anti-Cult Forum’s members wrote them.
This attempt to lessen the validity of such documents is an additional confirmation of their validity. Alessandrini, in fact, did not use a single word to state that they were false, he said instead that the documentation was “unlawfully removed from the email accounts of the Italian associations “and “deceitfully inserted in contexts different from the original ones”.
Previously, one might have suspected that the documents were not be true. It was also suggested that they were forged and written by us for unclear purposes. Now, this confirmation of their validity does not leave any room for doubt and opens the door to another series of questions: How is it possible that they get away with it? Why aren’t they prosecuted? Why are they listened to and let free to act? Why are they even supported by politicians, policemen and media?
Alessandrini has made these statements in the presence of the French guru of the fight against “cults”, Serge Blisko (3) and of the Vice-president of FECRIS, Daniélle Muller Tulli.
Not one of them found anything to object to with regards the statements of Alessandrini, thus showing complete solidarity with what he was saying: “they put their hands on our documents and are using them to defame us”.
This is not surprising, because these characters (as with the others attending the symposium in Marseilles) belong to the same gang.
Mr. Serge Blisko represents a French state entity, the so called “Inter-ministerial Mission for the Surveillance and Fight against Sects” (MIVILUDES). An abomination in terms of freedom of belief, thought and association. Something that in Italy would find room only in the nostalgic dreams of the Fascist era, in fact, of those supporting the Anti-Cult Forum.
Mrs. Danièlle Muller Tulli represents the French anti-cults federation called FECRIS, an organism almost entirely funded by the French government through the MIVILUDES, and seated in Marseille. A federation of associations of which the FAVIS of Alessandrini and the other associations of the Anti-Cult Forum are part.
Although we are mostly dealing with associations formed by very few individuals, most of them without any qualification or competence, the federation is spread all over Europe and has gained an NGO status (Non Governmental Organization), in defiance of the law that prohibits such accreditations to bodies financed by any of the states of the union.
As is our habit, we do not just say that Alessandrini stated what above reported and that the organizers of the symposium remained indifferent about it, but we are hereby providing the audio recording of his intervention, which also includes his frenzies against those who dared oppose the work of the Anti-Cult Forum, as well as his attempt to lessen their role in the incidents described in our articles. [click to listen to the audio of Alessandrini’s speech at the bottom of the page].
Alessandrini is not the only one who admitted that the documents of Libero Credo are true. A few weeks ago a Franco Da Prato, supporter of the Anti-Cult Forum and a good friend of Alessandrini (arm in arm in the photo on the left), reacting badly to an article of Agenzia Radicale (“Saluzzo and the 120 Days of Sodom”) written by Camillo Maffia, made the same admission in a public comment posted at the bottom of that article.
Franco Da Prato (16 March 2014 hrs 10: 39): “I am telling you openly, the authors of Libero Credo are criminals and cowards, they anonymously publish articles and email unlawfully extracted information from the computers of private citizens.”
Da Prato had to swallow a couple of comments from other readers that grasped the full meaning of his utterance.
Alessandra Pilloni (16 March 2014 hrs 17:23) “Franco Da Prato, your stubbornness in repeating the anonymous nature of the administrators of Libero Credo site is aimed solely at diverting attention from the actual problem: that is if the documentation of the site corresponds to reality and if it is, I’m afraid that the last problem would be the identity of who runs the site.”
Luigi Rocca (16 March 2014 hrs 18:23) “Are the AUTHORS of Libero Credo criminals? And how would you then define the anti-cult gang that admitted having committed those actions? And while we are at, what tells me that those of Libero Credo have not obtained the documents from some deep throats or some anti-cult turncoats? The fact remains that, if they have committed some hypothetical impropriety by publishing those emails, they denounced and DOCUMENTED much more serious crimes, committed by the authors of those emails.”
In his holy anti-cultist fervor Da Prato went far beyond and, in response to another commentator of the article of Agenzia Radicale, he also admitted other illegalities of which FECRIS and the Anti-Cult Forum are knowingly guilty.
Ignazio Barbagallo (16 March 2014 hrs 03:59): “Da Prato should instead tell us whether it is true or not that FECRIS is 95% financed by the French government and whether it is true or not that this is incompatible with the status of NGO that it enjoys together with its corresponding Italian associations ARIS, FAVIS and CeSAP.”
Franco Da Prato (16 March 2014 hrs 10:09): “In France they are more evolved and their legislation foresees the offence of plagiarism. Yes! They told me that the FECRIS is funded by the French Government, I wish this would be the case also in Italy! Try not to confuse freedom of worship with charlatans.”
Da Prato failed to notice the unlawfulness of what he admitted, as he failed to notice the implications of unconstitutionality and the fact that we are not just talking about France here (which since a long time threw away its motto of liberté, egalité, fraternitè) but of the Council of Europe. Another commentator, rather abruptly, reminded it to him.
Saverio (16 March 2014 hrs 18:50): “More evolved? THAT’S ABSOLUTELY CRAZY! If a government is funding an organization like the FECRIS, knowing that it is contrary to the European standards which establish that an NGO SHOULD NOT receive funds from the Government, they are not evolved, they VIOLATE THE LAW! Isn’t it instead because Libero Credo is publicly exposing the dirty laundry of your wheeler-dealers coven?
Let’s pass over epithets and accusations of Da Prato and let’s take note that Alessandrini’s confession was not an isolated one or the result of a momentary confusion of the author.
Even a few days ago, on the occasion of the annual meeting of FECRIS in Brussels, both Alessandrini and Lorita Tinelli of CeSAP repeated that somebody had “put his hands on our documents and was using them to defame us”.
We know, from a reliable source, which will be revealed at the proper time, that also Lorita Tinelli also admitted, in official proceedings, that the documents published by Libero Credo are genuine and actually produced by her association and other members of the Anti-Cult Forum.
Summing up, since its debut, Libero Credo published a series of documents that demonstrate the existence in Italy (but not only) of an organized activity aimed at trampling on the constitutionally enshrined rights of freedom of thought, religion and association.
An activity that involves State agencies, media, politicians and private associations, i.e. the Anti-Cult Squad (S.A.S.) of the Ministry of Interior, their official representative don Aldo Buonaiuto (Catholic priest) and the associations of the Anti-Cult Forum FAVIS, CeSAP, ARIS Toscana and ARIS Veneto, backed up by some crooked politicians and by some tabloid press.
The state of affairs we have so far reported is now confirmed by the interested people.
The documents we published at the beginning of 2012 show that in 2006, within the Ministry of Interior the special religious police force called S.A.S., (see “The Anti-Cult Squad”), was established to “oppose to illicit actions connected to the activity of Satanic cults”.
News facts amply demonstrated that the alleged illegal activities of the “Satanic cults” were just an excuse, an all-out pretext to deal with any religious, spiritual or esoteric group, unwelcome in certain environments and made the subject of media campaigns.
In practice, a Ministry Department, ignoring the legislative power representing the will of the voters, determined that there are “cults” committing offences and which, as such, should be opposed and it established on its own initiative a police body simply issuing a circular letter addressed to Prefects and Heads of the Police Administration, not with a decree and certainly not following the legislative route.
A police corps operating throughout Italian territory at the expense of taxpayers
In addition to documenting the aberration of its genesis, we highlighted how the S.A.S. operates in contrast to our Constitution (see “Anti- Cult Squad and Constitution”) perpetuating the aberrant practice of State scaremongering already begun with the State’s infamous Ministerial Report of 1998 ("State Alarmism – the Ministerial Report of 1998 on cults"), based on an established modus operandi described in the article “Anti-Cult Squad, Anti-Cult groups and plagiarism”.
Even more abnormal in its arbitrary nature, the S.A.S. is unconstitutional because, among other things, it avails itself of private representatives, including Catholic representatives, which operate with a clear conflict of interest, as described in the article “The spokespersons of S.A.S.”.
Documents at hand, now confirmed by the authors themselves, we have demonstrated that under the aegis of S.A.S., these private representatives forming the so called Anti-Cult Forum, have provided false statistics to the media for years (“Falsifying statistics to create alarm”) and testimonies to the Justice Commission of the Senate (“Key witnesses”) in order to get a bill passed aimed at reintroducing in our legal system the Fascist crime of plagiarism, renamed for the occasion “mental manipulation”.
Always, using documents produced by the same Anti-Cult Forum, we highlighted how the above mentioned Forum has made use of “Anonymous complaints”, in order to give credibility to the intervention methods of the S.A.S., “sensible” politicians and tabloid media. See also “Other anonymous complaints and secret letters”.
Again, with their own documents, we have also demonstrated that complacent politicians lent themselves to the games of the S.A.S. and of the Anti-Cult Forum to facilitate the course of bills on plagiarism, even submitting spurious parliamentary interrogations, full of unproven facts. At the same time, these politicians attempted to overcome the obstacles placed by other dissenting politicians, see “There is no reason to be Allegrini” e “There is no reason to be Allegrini 2nd part” at the same time preventing the right of reply and expression to those who wanted to express different opinions: “I come too! No, you don’t!”.
Feeling exposed, the Anti-Cult Forum clumsily tried to hide an evident fact by denying its role in this affair. But once again they were proven wrong by their own writings, see “The representatives of SAS are lying”.
We also documented their violent past with the articles “Anti-Cults Forum and kidnapping – 1st Act”, “Anti-Cults Forum – 2nd Act” and “Anti-Cults Forum and kidnapping – 3rd Act and conclusion”.
Finally, with the article “Silence those voices!” we demonstrated the maneuvers they are using to silence dissenters.
Here is further proof that these activities, aimed at repressing dissenters, are not merely an isolated case and not limited to some of them: below you can read how Maurizio Alessandrini and Sonia Ghinelli of FAVIS reacted to the parliamentary interrogation filed against the Anti-Cult Forum by a Senator of the Italian Republic.
(Italian original)
(English translation)
We know for a fact that Senator Pastore was contacted and persuaded to withdraw the interrogation. Then, taking advantage of their privileged contacts, they did their best to create legal trouble for Doctor Di Marzio because she had had the audacity to post the interrogation on her blog..
It is not a mere hypothesis, but a documented fact, here’s an example.
(Italian original)
(English translation)
This might seem an acceptable and admissible reaction, if one does not know the consequences that these alerts, which were sent to Senator Allegrini, to Doctor Bocchino of the S.A.S. and to Doctor Palma of the National Bar of Psychologists, have had.
In order to silence the dissenters, the gentlemen of the Anti-Cult Forum, do not hesitate to lie. See, for example, this exchange of emails between the member of ARIS Toscana Emanuela Fontana and Gina Benfatto on how to deal with the media using lies at the expense of Danilo Speranza of Re Maya group.
(Italian original)
(English translation)
And here’s another example of how two associates of ARIS Toscana wanted to harm a colleague of Doctor Di Marzio, Doctor Simonetta Po, “guilty” of not sharing the same views as the Anti-Cult Forum.
(Italian original)
(English translation)
A hatred that was not just an intention, a momentary outburst, but which was followed by actions planned to harm in some way the target of their invectives.
(Italian original)
(English translation)
This in order to silence the dissenters’ voices. Those voices that oppose their practice of spreading false and alarming news on the alleged “cults” in order to generate a constant media campaign aimed at fostering judicial initiatives and repressive laws.
To give an idea of the European range of the problem, of the common intents of these anti-cults groups, of the similarities existing among the various members of the FECRIS and of the uniformity of the directives aimed at creating a social alarm on “cults”, here’s another email sent by the president of FECRIS Tom Sackville (photo on the left) to all the federate associations, including the Italian ones.
With this email he solicits them to provide to a British reporter information useful to create a piece on “potential mass suicides” in relation to the Maya’s prophecy on the end of the world. Let’s imagine how the article was and think of how many suicides took place in that occasion!
Now that they themselves confirmed the truthfulness of the documents we are publishing, it will be interesting to note who will support them and who will protect them.
- GEMPPI - Study Group movements Thought for the Protection of the Individual.
- FECRIS – European Federation of the Centers of Research and Information on Sectarianism.
- Serge Blisko – President of the Inter-Ministerial Mission for the Surveillance and Fights against Cults (MIVILUDES)
6th April 2014